Antioxidants in Tea - such a amazing

Tea is the word of comfort ЁЯШМ
Pleasure of relax ЁЯШМ
Smell of heaven ЁЯШН

"Tea is scientifically good for you"

So far in this article we review the importance of Antioxidants in Tea

NIN Studies indicated that flavonoids in green and black tea have stronger antioxidants activity than standard antioxidants vitamins.

A cup of tea supplies around 200 mg of flavonoids.


The antioxidants potency in a cup of tea ЁЯН╡ is 400 per cent greater than a cup of orange juiceЁЯНКЁЯНКЁЯНКЁЯШ▒ЁЯШ▒ЁЯШ▒


Black tea contains other polyphenols such as thearubigins and theaflavins which are very powerful.

Antioxidants in Tea: Green tea is considered a dietary source of antioxidants nutrients. 

Because Green tea is rich in polyphenols i.e. (catechins and gallic acid particularly ) gallic acids have many therapeutic activities mainly in gastrointestinal, neuropsychological, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. 

Green tea ЁЯН╡ has certain phytochemical compounds. So far these compounds could increase the GTP antioxidants potential GTD means ( GREEN TEA POLYPHENOL ).

GTP can chelate metal ions like iron and copper. They may also function indirectly as antioxidants through:

# inhibitions of redox sensitive transcription factors.

# inhibitions of "pro-oxidant" enzymes, such as inducible nitric oxide synthase, lipoxygenases, cyclooxygenases and xanthine oxidase.

*cyclooxygenases are a type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) are used that relieve pain and fever and reduce inflammation.

# induction of antioxidants enzymes such as glutathione transferases and superixide dismutases

* glutathione is a powerful antioxidants to help lighten dark spots and brighten the skin.

* superoxide dismutases prevent the damage tissue, relieve for swelling, sport injuries.

A significant increase in plasma antioxidants capacity is noted in humans after consumption of moderate amounts of 1-6 cups of Green tea ЁЯН╡ per day.

Higher the flavonoids intake lower is the risk of death from coronary heart disease.


 # Tea relieve a pain

# Tea reduces inflammation 

# Tea reduces swelling 

# Tea lighten dark spots

# Tea helps neurotransmission

# Tea relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessel 

# Tea hepls to reduce uric acid

So far Tea has so much benefits...

"Tea improves health"

Enjoy a cup of  Tea with a pleasure of smell with some knowledge 

Enjoyment with Knowledge because Knowledge is bliss...


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